Spring JPA generating many queries : n+1 query problem
If you are using JPA and you haven’t seen this problem then you haven’t fully understood how jpa works internally yet. To understand and learn how JPA works internally as a first step you need to add the below property in application.properties of spring boot application
spring.jpa.show-sql: true
Lets try to create this problem. Consider a below database design with one to many relationship between tweet and comments
Please find below the entity class of the ablove design so that we all are in same page
Now Lets insert some sample data into tweets table and comments table. Tweet table has 4 tweets and each tweet has some comments added to it
Nows lets try to pull all the tweets that starts with D and comments associated with it. Just pause and think how the query will be formed by jpa and how much query does it creates to fetch the tweets with comments?
Run the above jpa query and print the tweet and comments associated with it. Boom you will see 5 queries executed by JPA. one to retrieve tweet and other 4 to retrieve comments associated with it.
Okay I am hearning what you are thinking -> why JPA is doing this to me right? Instead of runing one query to retrieve 4(n) values from database it is taking 5(n+1) queries which explains why n+1 name.
Reasons for n+1 query problem
Since comment is fetched lazily, a second SQL query will be executed to get the comments associated for each tweet. you can catch the same in query log that comments query uses where condition tweet_id = ?. This implies it is forming comments query for each tweets we retrieved
Okay hearing again use eager fetching why to use this. Try that it will generate 5 queeies in that case well because tweet values has to be fetched before comments by JPA to pull comments values from database. Using FetchType.EAGER
either implicitly or explicitly for your JPA associations is a bad idea because you are going to fetch way more data that you need. More, the FetchType.EAGER
strategy is also prone to N+1 query issues.
How to solve n+1 query problem
Entity Graph comes to the rescue. JPA 2.1 introduces it and provies a better way to handle this performance issue. Now we have to tell JPA to fetch comments record also while retrieving Tweets record. That is we have to join fetch the records from both tweets table and comments table.
Lets do the below change in repository class. Above the JPA query specify the fields you have to join fetch with tweets and wait for tha magic to happen
Magic Happened? you will see that JPA fetched Tweets and associated comments with it using one query and the records got fetched in less than second. Please find below the executed query
Performace Boost table
JPA fetches all the fields that are specified in the attribute path array of entity graph. This is considered to be a good performance.
The JPA documentation recommends using the FetchType.LAZY strategy whenever possible, and the Entity Graph when we need to load an association.
Please find my Gihub repo for the code here.